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Name: Lzrwvwpxqgj
Gender: Female
Race: Elf

Percentage of goal achieved: 123.8%  ($2476 of $2000 US)

We received donations from the following people:

Most Honorable Donators ($100+)

Macl         Redwolf      Undeadguy

Honorable Donators ($50)

Bytre        Calvin       Gnak         Zared

Special Donators ($25+)

Badguy       Blain        Bleys        Cali         Clemeth      Darius
Elad         Erekose      Fenrir       Giggles      Gustaf       Gustav
Mako         Mappyr       Quita        Silverking   Tinkeler     Wolverine

Donators ($10+)

Aisling      Alaeth       Alisyia      Anthea       Apok         Artaq
Astrid       Asylum       Asynn        Athena       Aubin        Aurac
Azalin       Azrhiel      Beastie      Bismarck     Blink        Bloodeagle
Bluebell     Boofy        Buckingham   Budha        Bunbun       Button
Caireann     Charlotte    Cherie       Chilled      Conman       Cornwall
Cruella      Cyrill       Dak          Danconia     Darthmaul    Darthvader
Drewski      Earbag       Edie         Ekin         Endorphin    Eswen
Excelsior    Exe          Faff         Fargone      Flea         Fook
Galt         Genuine      Godawful     Gorgoz       Gurgie       Halbarad
Hawthorne    Helluva      Hobbez       Honour       Icecream     Icewind
Jupiter      Justise      Karn         Katarina     Kdragyn      Kibikrutuk
Kinky        Krom         Kurt         Kwits        Lightning    Lily
Linty        Lister       Lizzy        Loranar      Macbeast     Makais
Mara         Mariel       Marlboro     Meimi        Mert         Minako
Moorden      Mundayne     Persis       Petal        Phrophette   Poppy
Prozac       Qedapher     Rastamon     Reardon      Rhapsody     Roark
Rocket       Ronnie       Ryndol       Ryoko        Rysa         Samanosuke
Scarecrazy   Setsuna      Sheree       Shy          Slaisiur     Solochick
Stefano      Stormsong    Stormwolf    Sundance     Symurgh      Syros
Sysro        Tanara       Tarott       Tarquin      Tarzan       Treefiddy
Valhalla     Verrain      Violet       Virgin       Wakko        Xaedra

These were the leading groups:

 1. Squid Snacks                        4. Old Timers Assoc.
 2. Knight Donations Inc.               5. Monks of Antana
 3. Terrible Trio

Percentage of collected amount per state or country:

  1. California       14% (22)     19. New Jersey        1% (1)
  2. New Hampshire    10% (2)      20. Texas             1% (2)
  3. South Carolina    7% (19)     21. Japan             1% (3)
  4. New York          7% (4)      22. Switzerland       1% (1)
  5. Virginia          6% (10)     23. Washington DC     1% (1)
  6. Florida           5% (10)     24. Arizona           1% (1)
  7. Pennsylvania      4% (7)      25. None              1% (1)
  8. Minnesota         4% (10)     26. South Africa      0% (2)
  9. North Dakota      4% (6)      27. Wisconsin         0% (2)
 10. Unknown           3% (6)      28. Illinois          0% (2)
 11. Ohio              2% (7)      29. Ireland           0% (1)
 12. New Zealand       2% (6)      30. Maryland          0% (1)
 13. United Kingdom    2% (4)      31. Montana           0% (1)
 14. North Carolina    2% (3)      32. Indiana           0% (1)
 15. Colorado          2% (1)      33. Washington        0% (1)
 16. Canada            1% (4)      34. Netherlands       0% (1)
 17. Unknown           1% (4)      35. Virgnia           0% (1)
 18. Oregon            1% (3)      36. Utah              0% (1)

Percentage of collected amount per class:

  1. Wizards          20% (16)      6. Mages             8% (19)
  2. Fighters         20% (25)      7. Necromancers      3% (6)
  3. Rangers          18% (34)      8. Adventurers       1% (4)
  4. Clerics          15% (25)      9. Paladins          0% (1)
  5. Rogues           10% (22)

Percentage of collected amount per guild:

  1. The Black Bear   19% (17)      5. Courts of Chaos  10% (20)
  2. The Eldar        19% (30)      6. None              5% (14)
  3. Knights of Drin  19% (26)      7. Monks of Antana   4% (10)
  4. Scythe Clan      15% (26)      8. The Raven         4% (9)