Machine Information
In August 2008, Ancient Anguish migrated to a new quad core Xeon server with 8GB of RAM and a RAID 10 storage system. A donation from a player, this server is expected to last Ancient Anguish many years.
Wizard Roles
Ancient Anguish is not ruled by an all-powerful god, as most muds are. It is ruled by a codified Law, which is interpreted and maintained by a Senate. The Senate consists of the Arch Wizards and appointed Senators. Below is a list of all positions and the Wizard that currently fills that role:
Arch Wizards : Angstrom, Buxley, Ixnay, Malire
Ministers : Bytre
*** LAW
Arch : Malire
Assistants : Adinos, Angstrom, Lestat, Scarecrazy
Consultant : Paldin
Register :
Arch : (Vacant)
Approval : Ixnay
Committee : Agarwaen, Pris, Howitzer
*** MAP
Arch : Buxley
Assistants : Krystal
Arch : Buxley (acting)
Assistants : Newt, Nitro
Consultants : Eivu, Krystal, Scarecrazy
Arch : Angstrom
Assistants : Buxley, Bytre, Maker, Paldin
Consultants : Malire
*** QC
Arch : Ixnay
Approval : Bytre, Jerusulum, Paldin, Pris
Bravo : Howitzer
On Leave : Angstrom
*** Ministers
Minister of the Web : Paldin
Minister of Infrastructure : Bytre
Minister of Machine : Bytre
Minister of Treasure : Bytre
Minister of Public Relations: Ixnay
Canticle Editor : (Vacant)
See 'help credits' for a listing of wizards who have coded areas for AA.
(Assistants gain additional wizalts, which may be lost when they are not
active. See 'help wizrules' for details.)